Monday, January 5, 2004


The person i am considering moving in with called me, and i am going to be moving in with her soon. EEEK. This is it, its really over, i am really going to move out of this apartment and out of his life. I am just so scared. This was my home for two years...i feel so safe here. My new roomie is someone i like and all, but still, its so *unknown*. I'm afraid she wont like me. I am afraid i wont be good enough. I am afraid of screwing everything up. Im just so scared and insecure and i feel so alone.

I called my dad cause i am going to need some financial help, and he told me he had been busted for a DWI, which he was LOOOONG overdue for. Of course, this means that he needs to get a lawyer, which means the financial help he said he could give me has been reduced. Part of me feels like i deserve this. Like i am a big loser who should be able to fend for herself and sucks for needing to ask for help.

God i feel like such a loser. I cant keep by boyfriend, i cant keep up with my bills, i cant get the money together to get a new place....i suck.

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